Learning About Agriculture Through The Words
More Coming Soon
It is impossible for me to list all terms used in agriculture. I am
working on listing the most widely used terms. If you need help
defining a term email for help.
tom@agriculture4kids.com |
I want to thank James for sending me this link
Agriculture and Farming Glossary.
This site has
more information than just definitions.
Thanks James!
Glossary - Terms related to Agriculture (mrcseeds.com)
Glossary of agriculture - Wikipedia
Covering agriculture: Glossary of terms, concepts | The Reynolds
Center (businessjournalism.org)
Ag Law
Glossary - National Agricultural Law Center (nationalaglawcenter.org) |
Agriculture: |
The practice of growing plants and
animals. It includes it includes every area of
production and sales to consumers. A butcher shop and
grocery store can be considered part of agriculture.
The different branches of
Agronomy: |
the branch of agriculture dealing
with crop production through soil management.
The main focus of agronomy is the soil more than
the plant. Pasture management would come under
agronomy. See the
page on agronomy |
Animal Husbandry |
The care and breeding of
livestock |
Aquaculture: |
the area of agriculture
concerning of growing various animals and
plants in ponds or tanks. Including fish,
shrimp, and oysters. Growing of rice and
cranberries could be considered part of
aquqculture. |
The study of insects and pest |
Horticulture: |
is the branch of agriculture
dealing with growing and of care plants
including fruits, vegetables, trees, and
flowers. It also includes field crops such
as corn, soybeans, and wheat. It deals with
the plant more than the soil.
the practice of growing
vegetable without soil in mainly water
usually in greenhouses. |
Vermiculture |
growing of worms |
Apiculture |
beekeeping; Apiary: where
bees are kept |
20 Branches of Agriculture and Related Fields | Detailed
- CropForLife |
Crop: |
What is grown on a farm. Usually
considered as plants, grain, vegetables or fruit. The
farmer planted a crop of corn. or the orchard produces a
crop of apples. Crop also is the total yield of what is
planted. The farm's soybean crop was 10,000 bushels of
soybeans or 1000 bushels of apples. It also can be
applied to livestock production. The farmer had a 100
head crop of lambs. The cow herd will have a good calf
crop this year. |
Crop rotation: |
The practice
of not planting the same crop in a field every year. A
typical rotation of corn, wheat and soybeans |
GMO: |
Genetic Modified Organism: |
a plant, animal or microbe in
which one or more changes have been made to the genome, typically using
high-tech genetic engineering, in an attempt to alter the characteristics of an
organism. Genes can be introduced, enhanced or deleted within a species, across
species or even across kingdoms. A genetically modified organism contains DNA
that has been altered using genetic engineering.
Genetically Modified Organism (genome.gov)
Genetically Modified Organisms | National Geographic
Society |
Agriculture: |
The use
of modern technology to improve production. It involves
making precise decisions based on information collected
through modern techniques. It includes data collects
through the of GPS and improved production records. |
Precision Agriculture 101 (precisionfarmingdealer.com) |
Know Your Animals
Bovine: |
Cattle: female is a cow, male
is a bull |
Capine |
Goats: female is a nanny, male is a billy |
Equine: |
Horses: female is a mare,
male is a stud or stallion; Donkeys:
female is a Jennet, male is a jack |
Horse Terms
Stallion: |
A male horse
of breeding age, over years old |
Mare: |
A female
horse of breeding age |
Gelding: |
A male horse
that has been neutered and cannot breed |
Colt: |
a colt {horse
colt} is male foal, any male horse under breeding age |
Filly: |
is a female
foal, any female hores under five year old that has
never been bred |
Deep Hollow Ranch - Top
Resource for Learning Horses Online |
Ovine: |
Sheep: female is a ewe, male
is a buck |
Swine: |
Hogs, pigs: female is a sow,
male is a boar |
Mule: |
Offspring male donkey {jack}
and a female horse {mare} Mules cannot
breed; A female mule is often called a
molly, male mules are often called johns |
Mule Facts (luckythreeranch.com) |
Hinny: |
Offspring of a male horse {stud,
stallion} and a female donkey {jenny or jennet} |
Tillage: |
Tillage and cultivation are very close in
meaning. Is the preparation of soil for planting.
Tillage is often thought of the final preparation of the
seed bed right before planting the seeds. See
Tillers |
Patch: |
A area of a farm that is devoted to
growing vegetables to be sold. Usually the farmer would
haul what he raised in his truck patch to market in his
pickup truck. |
Weights and Measure
Ear Corn: |
Bushel= 70
pounds |
The kernels still
on the cob |
Shelled Corn: |
Bushel= 56
pounds |
Soybeans: |
Bushel= 60
pounds |
Weight and Measures for Agricultural Commodities (usda.gov) |
Please note: While measured in bushels most
commodities are bought and sold by weight, per 100 pounds or per
cwt. Those who purchase grain
quote prices per bushel. When grain is sold to be used for livestock
feed or to be used for food production it is sold by weight.
[Example: shelled corn price of $7.00 per bushel = $12.50 per cwt.] |
Surveying: |
a scientific technique used to
determine a property boundaries for ownership. |
1 link = 7.92 inches
1 rod = 16.5 feet
1 chain = 66 feet
1 mile = 5,280 feet or 80 chains
1 meter = 39.37 inches or 3.2808 feet
1 acre = 208.7 feet square or 43,560 square feet
1 quarter/quarter = 40 acres or 1,320 feet square
1 quarter section = 160 acres
1 section = 1 square mile or 640 acres
1 township = 6 miles square or 36 square miles |
Farm Land surveying is a scientific technique
used to determine a property boundaries for ownership.
Three Point Hitch: |
Hydraulic lift on the back of a tractor
to lift and lower equipment attached to it. |
Agriculture4kids * Tom May *
P.O. Box 111, Port Jefferson OH 45360-0111 *
* Phone: 937-507-9413 |