Hormones In The Food You Eat


       We mothers have a lot of things to be concerned about without listening to misinformation about hormones in the food we eat, especially in beef, poultry, and pork. It is hard to understand why individuals and organizations want to hurt part of the agricultural industry by distributing false information, rumors, and just plain lies.

The food in the USA is the safest in the world.


This page will help you know the truth about the hormones in the food you eat.

     There is no such thing as hormone free food

     When I am asked about the hormones in beef, poultry, pork, or other foods. I always ask, " What hormones are you talking about?". Most have no idea of which hormones they are asking about. They hear someone speak on the subject and their think they are being poisoned by the uncaring, greedy food producers. The hormone that is causing all the talk is estrogen. Estrogen is naturally produced by every person, animal, and plant. It is in every food you eat. But the level of hormones in food is miniscule compared to the amount our bodies produce every day.

It is my opinion that many websites that discuss hormones in food you will find that they are actually advertising websites. The information they contain will be what will draw advertisers to their website. This includes both websites that are vegan based and pro-meat sites. So be careful.

Hormones In Beef * Hormones in Poultry & Pork


Help With Understanding Estrogen

Estrogen is measured in nanograms. A nanogram (ng) is one-billionth of a gram. It is hard to think about a number that small. One way many sources will explain a (ng) is to think about one blade of grass from a football field.

Phytoestrogens are estrogenic compounds found in plants, including fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, and cereal grains. And a number of foods contain hormonally active substances at concentrations that often far exceed those found in meat.

***Phytoestrogens occur naturally in a variety of plants. They mimic the effects of the hormone estrogen in humans and can have a range of health benefits, especially for women and reproductive health. Men, too, may find health benefits from phytoestrogens. When you consume phytoestrogens, these compounds begin to work in the same manner as naturally produced estrogen, attaching to the body's estrogen receptors. There are several types of phytoestrogens. (From Health Benefits of Phytoestrogens - Facty Health)

Phytoestrogens: Benefits, Menopause, Side Effects, and Food (healthline.com)






Sources of Information

Foods high in estrogen: Benefits, examples, and side effects (medicalnewstoday.com)

Estrogen in Meat, Dairy, & Eggs | NutritionFacts.org
DOCTOR: Burger King's 'Impossible Burger' Has Massive 44mg of Phytogestrogen Compared to Regular Burger's 2.5ng of Estrogen - National File

Hormones in Beef: Myths vs. Facts (sdstate.edu)


Hormones In Beef



Hormones used in beef cattle (iowabeefcenter.org)

According to other sources it appears some of the numbers are not accurate.

The Beef with Hormones - and 8 Other Foods You Might Find Them In | BestFoodFacts.org

This website has some good information. According to other sources it appears some of the numbers are not accurate.

Hormones (beefitswhatsfordinner.com)

Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals | FDA.gov


While the amount estrogen reported in most food produces vary it is widely accepted that beef will have .6-.65ngs of estrogen per ounce. So a quarter pound hamburger will only have 2.4 to 2.6ngs of estrogen.



T  The FDA, the World Organization for Animal Health and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the world’s food safety body) conclude that the miniscule amount of estrogen in beef from cattle receiving implants is well below any level that would be of significance to humans.

     In many studies the increase in estrogen levels in beef from implanted cattle were so low, that it was virtually impossible to detect. The data illustrates the use if estrogen-containing implants has no impact on humans.


Hormones in Poultry & Pork