

Some Common Sense About GM Food

   When Noah and the animals left the ark all plants on the land would have been killed from being covered by the flood waters for many days.

  Noah may have had seeds to plant. The plants from these seeds would have been close to the same fruit and plants that grew in the Garden of Eden. But the first plants the ground would produce naturally would have been weeds. Ever since Noah, his sons and their wives repopulated the Earth the plants in their gardens would have been changing through cross-pollination or pollen from one plant migrating from one plant to an other and new species of plants were the out come.

 Farmers learned they could manually take pollen from plants and fertilize other plants and produce better hybrid plants with more desirable characteristics such as disease resistance, high yield, better taste or longer production life. People have been manipulating the genetic make-up of plants through cross-pollination for many many years.

     The fact is every vegetable, fruit or grain that we eat today has been genetically modified through some form of crossbreeding.

     Since the 1990's some cross-breeding has been preformed in laboratories by taking genes from one seed and implanting them in other seeds creating a Genetically Modified seed that would produce a GM food. This form of cross-breeding achieves the same results in a few generations that would take many more generations of cross-pollination.

     Every new GM seed or plant must subjected to long and meticulous testing before being used in production for food. 

Tom May


I have contacted over 30 websites and groups for proof of the claims against the safety of GM foods and problems from using GMO seeds. I received responses from 8 different groups.

  • None of them sent me proof of their claims or doubt.

  • Five sent me names of books I could buy

  • Two sent me statements from other groups with no evidence

  • One responded with the truth: there has been no proven problems with eating GM food and admit there has not been one person with problems that were traced back to eating GM food. But they believe their fears are still legitimate and should believed by everyone. 

Tom May


 GMOs Information resources

USA Government Websites

GMO Search Results - U.S. Food and Drug Administration  (usa.gov) 10-28-2022
GMO Search Results - United States Department of Agriculture  (usda.gov) 10-28-2022
GMO - ERS Search Results - Economic Research Service United State Department of Agriculture (usda.gov) 10-28-2022
Food and Drug  Adm. How GMO Crops Impact Our World | FDA



Websites Base In The USA

American Association for the Advancement of Science 10-28-2022
Carrington College 2013 - GMO's The Good, the bad and the ugly  
Healthline.com) GMOs: Pros and Cons, Backed by Evidence ( 10-28-2022
GMO Answers | GMO Facts - Everything to Know About GMOs 10-28-2022
National Academies Press GE-crops-report-brief.pdf 10-28-2022
Oxford Academic Safety of Genetically Modified Foods Produced through Biotechnology | Toxicological Sci. 10-28-2022
Scientific American the-truth-about-genetically-modified-food/ 10-28-2022
Seeds Now What is GMO? A genetically modified seed? What does GMO mean? 10-28-2022
Purdue U .What are GMOs? 10-28-2022

Institute for Responsible Technology 10 reasons to avoid GMOs




From Other Countries

Safety and Advantages of Bacillus thuringiensis-Protected Plants to Control Insect Pests (free.fr) France


What are GMOs (hse.gov.uk) 10-28-2022

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Food safety and quality: GM Foods Platform (fao.org) 10-28-2022

Agriculture4kids * Tom May * Email: tom@agriculture4kids.com  * Phone: 937-507-9413

The GMO Debate - Genetically Modified Organisms